Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This process is so hard!

We got word from the lawyer in Ukraine today. Oleg is a definite go! Not as good of news on the other three. Sasha and Anton's father still holds custody over them. He doesn't care for them, so they're in the process of terminating his rights, but I'm not sure how long that takes. I've emailed the lawyer asking for a time frame. Maybe if the authorities know a family wants them it will speed up the process. Artem can not be adopted without his two younger siblings. He has a brother-10 and a sister-9. Four is a stretch for us, we know we can't take on six.

Please pray that God leads us to the children He wants us to have. If its meant for us to have Sasha and Anton, then let the termination of their father's rights happen quickly. Its not fair for their father to force them to live in an orphanage while there is a family out here wanting them. If God closes the door to adopting Sasha and Anton, please pray He prepares our hearts for Artem and his siblings if that is His will.

We did get good news too (other than Oleg can definitely be adopted). The process goes very fast. Once we get our home study completed and all the information to the lawyer, we're looking at 3-4 months till we're in Ukraine getting the boys!-Or boy, or boys & girl, whatever it ends up being.

That brings up another issue - Fundraising. If there's anyone out there that's been through this and has some advice on how to get this ball rolling, please feel free to contact me!


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