Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Monday, September 19, 2011


The reality of what we're about to undertake has really started hitting home over the last week. Don't get me wrong, we love these boys and we're willing to do whatever it takes to get them home with us. The thing is, Satan keeps bringing  people around us that have so many questions. There's nothing innately wrong with having questions, but when you keep hearing the same questions over and over, you start to have doubts. "How will you afford this?", "How do you expect to feed four extra people?", "Have you really considered how this will effect your daughters?" You start to have doubts that God can really do this. You start asking yourself, "Do you really believe that this is what God has planned for you?" or "Who are we to think that God will just make this happen?" As I've pondered on this today I thought about a quote from The Truth Project. It all boils down to this simple question,"Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?" When I search my heart, the answer I get is, YES! I believe that we had no intention of adopting 4 adolescent boys when we agreed to be house parents at BridgeStone for a weekend. I believe God has been preparing our hearts for adoption for several years now. I believe these boys were put in our path for a reason and that reason was to fall in love with them. I believe God wants us to give these orphans a home.

I started thinking about some of the great stories from the bible today; Noah and the flood, Joshua and the wall at Jericho, David and Galiath, and far more I can't recall at this moment. What do all these stories have in common? God calls them all to do something they're totally unequipped to do on their own. When you have no means to accomplish something on your own power, but it still gets accomplished then you truly see that God made it happen. Some of you may not know this, but Bill was laid off from his job in January. We had to use our savings to make it through those tough months and accept help from friends and family. Bill did finally find a job in July, but the point is-we do not have the financial means to make this happen on our own. If, or should I say when, the funds are raised to carry out this adoption, we will all know without any doubt that God made it happen.

So, I don't know how we'll afford this and I don't know how we'll afford to feed 4 growing boys, and I don't know if my daughters truly understand what it will be like to have 4 boys living under their roof. But what I DO know is, that my God is an awesome God and if He has led us to take this on then He will make it happen. He will whisper in the ear of someone at church to make a donation. He will move in the heart of someone like Toni Doss, who at the age of 16 has already set up her own organization to raise funds for adoptions. He will make sure someone who owns a business fills a need we have for an item without us ever knowing how they found out about it. And most of all, I know my daughters will see faith in action. They will love and be loved by 4 brothers. They will know that they CAN change the world with God's love.

I have prayed for a long time for a way to witness to my dad. I hope through this journey, he sees something miraculous happen. Something that can only have happened through Gods faithfulness and provision.

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