Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Thursday, February 28, 2013

This is really happening!

We have planned, prepared, prayed, and waited for this day for a year and a half. It just doesn't seem real that in just 10 days we will begin our journey to Ukraine. The airline tickets are bought and the reservations for our accommodations have been made. This is really happening! This time next month we will have a son!

Our flight will leave Atlanta on Sunday, March 10th at 11:40am. We will arrive in Kiev, Ukraine on Monday, March 11th at 1:05pm. Our appointment with the SDA will be on Wednesday, March 13th. We haven't been told what time yet, but I'll let everyone know as soon as we find out. For those who aren't familiar with how the adoption process works in Ukraine, we meet with the SDA, then we return the next day for the referral to Daniel's orphanage. We will travel to the orphanage once we have the referral, where Daniel will write a letter stating he wants to be adopted by us. That letter is what gets the ball rolling. We will meet with the regional "social worker" and the orphanage director. They will have to complete some paperwork and once it's submitted, we should receive our court date.

I have to admit, the thought of court is a little scary. They can ask us all kind of questions from; "Why do you want to adopt a 15yo boy when you already have two children?" to "How do you think your health will affect you raising him?" I think it's the fear of the unknown. They have our home study which has just about every detail about us and our lives. There is no telling what they may pick out to ask us about. How do you prepare for that? But I know that God will be with us and He will lead us. I keep repeating in my head,  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6  It helps a lot, but I find myself having to do it more often as the day draws nearer.

We've been talking to Daniel about 2-3 times a week. He is so excited! He said he's already packed his bag! I can hardly sleep at night and we've already started packing too! Maybe I'll be exhausted enough by the time we leave that I'll be able to sleep on the plane. I doubt it though, because I'll be so excited to get there! We arrive on Monday and our appointment isn't until Wednesday, so we're going to take the train to Daniel's village and surprise him! He doesn't think we'll be there until Friday. I think that's what I'm most excited about, the look on his face when he sees us the 1st time. Seeing him with the girls will be awesome. They haven't seen each other in so long. I'm sure we'll get plenty of pictures!

Yay! T minus 10 days and counting! We're coming sweet boy!

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