Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Journey Officially Begins!

Our social worker came by Tuesday and the meeting went very well. We have tons of paper work to fill out, but it will be soooo worth it! Once we get the initial paper work filled out and turned in, we'll have to pay half of the home study fees and the "home study" officially begins. YeeHaw! We are so excited, just one more step closer to getting our boys here with us.
We went to our 1st adoption support group meeting last night at church. Between that and the books I've been reading-lets just say I'm feeling a little anxious. I mean we know that there will be adjustments, but there are so many ways children who are adopted can act out. The process of adoption is overall a happy occasion for the the family adopting and the kids being adopted; but people don't realize its also a time of great loss and grief for the adopted children. They will be losing their last hopes of ever reuniting with their birth parents, they're leaving the life they have become accustomed to at the orphanage, and they will be moving somewhere where almost no one speaks their language. There will be the happiness of new beginnings and the sadness of the end of their previous life. Please pray we will be able to navigate this transition with our boys and they will adjust well.
I am about to bust! I am so excited that we are getting close to making this a reality and then I'm so scared that we're getting so close to this being a reality.
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of  power"        2 Timothy 1:7

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